Reasons for Having High Heating Bills & Ways To Reduce it
When it's cold, your heating needs to work hard. And for that you burn more fuel.
That makes quite a good reason why you start seeing high figures on your heating bill when it comes to the end of the year.But do take care whether your bills are not going just way too dear and also if your home is getting that amount of warmth or not.
In case, if that's the scenario with you, just check if you have any one or more of the issues mentioned below:
Unmaintained Boiler:
If you have your boiler poorly maintained, that can also be one of the reasons why your heating bills are going high. Boiler servicing by gas safe registered engineer, at least in an interval of 1 year, is necessary to check whether all the boiler parts are working well. Otherwise, those issues can give the boilers a tough time heating up, eventually increasing your fuel cost
Old Boiler:
Even if you have your boiler well maintained and checked by a certified and experienced gas engineer, that does not mean that your boiler is working with the maximum energy efficiency. Modern technology boilers are far more efficient than old boilers. So getting a new boiler can help you reduce your heating bill expenses, and also turn out to be more eco-friendly.
Gas escaping out:
If its' for the leakage or for any other reason, gas can move out of the system. This gas is usually the unused fuel that moves out in the air. Eventually, that adds up to your heating cost but brings you no benefit. Such leakages turn out to be quite fatal and more if it occurs in an enclosed area with less oxygen supply.
Inaccurate Readings in the Thermostat:
As for any other appliance in your home, your thermostat can also go wrong. And when it's your thermostat that goes wrong, it can definitely affect your heating bills and also your comfort. Your boiler will work as per the thermostat reading. And if it shows low temperature reading, even when it's not, it can make your boilers work more, increasing your heating bills even higher.
Unwanted Mineral deposits in the system:
Water is used in boilers as the medium of heat transmission, and the air is used as such in furnaces. Though water is taken to be a good conductor of heat,it has the drawback of carrying several minerals and dirt with it. These unwanted materials form a layer on the various internal surfaces of the boiler.At times,it also forms thick, stubborn deposits on its various parts, making the job of your heating system go more difficult and eat more energy.
Contaminated Fuel Oil:
If there's water in your fuel, the fuel will first make the attempt to burn the water in it. Therefore, a major portion of that fuel will be consumed for burning that water . This can be taken as an unnecessary waste of energy, which will increase your fuel bills.
Ineffective Insulation:
Even if you heat up your house, that heat might get escaped out of your house due to improper insulation. An old or poorly insulated house can have cracked doors and windows. damaged walls, letting the air move in and out. This makes the warm air move out and the cold air get in. And this cold room temperature compels the heating system to work more, also making your heating bill soar up much higher.
Not Enough Space for the Boiler to Breathe:
If you have big furniture like coaches, beds, shelves, etc. placed in front of your boiler, that will inevitably block the flow of air to and from your heating appliance. That way, the boiler will have a hard time in functioning, thereby increasing your expenses on the heating bill.
As fuel cost is rising high day by day, any such wastage of fuel should not be ignored at all. Just taking some precautionary measures beforehand can help you get good savings on your fuel bills and can also make your winter warm and comfortable.So first check on these three things:
1. Living Habits:
Winter is the time, you need to take out your woolen clothes and blankets for use. Now if you want to be in your summer dresses at your home during this time, you need your heating to work more. So if it is cold, it's wiser to make the best use of your winter clothing and other such stuff,where you also set the thermostat normally at a temperature,so that you can get your boiler to work just moderately.
Another thing you can do to get your house is to do more cooking at home,rather than dinning out.The heat from the oven can also warm your house to some extent.
2. Home Insulation:
If you want your home properly warm in winter, that really matters how well insulated your place is. While you pay your high heating bills, you need to take care that heat is also retained in your home for your comfort. If that warm air is sipping out of your house and the cold air is taking its place, it's just a waste of energy. A wet or poorly insulated house with damaged walls, windows, and attic can be the reason. Better get your home properly insulated before the winter knocks in.To prevent heat loss from your wi'ndows,you can better put a thin clear plastic film against the window frames.A layer of caulk or weather stripping around the windows also does good for your home insulation.
But at the same time,don't let your home miss out the daytime heat of the sun.Its the warmth you can get from the nature with no cost.
3. Your Heating Appliance:
Last but not the least, your heating appliance can be the real season for which your home is loosing out its precious heat. As your boiler grows older, its energy efficiency also decreases with time. So,getting your boiler upgraded to a high efficiency modern boiler can be a best solution for reducing your power cost
But first,you need to check the condition of your boiler.Irrespective of what age your boiler is,if you find signs of corrosion in it,that needs to be fixed.In worst scenario,you might need to go for a total boiler replacement.
Anyways, if you are facing such issues of high fuel bills now,hire a registered gas engineer in Essex to inspect your heating system and get it ready for these winter months.